Personal Finance

Best Apps to Boost Your Credit Score

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You can trust the integrity of our balanced, independent financial advice. We may, however, receive compensation from the issuers of some products mentioned in this article. Opinions are the author's alone. This content has not been provided by, reviewed, approved or endorsed by any advertiser, unless otherwise noted below.

Good credit is essential to your financial health. But building credit can be challenging. Luckily, there are some excellent credit-building apps out there to help you do just that.

We did the research to find the best credit-building apps available in 2023. This guide will provide insight into what each of these credit builder apps offers and how they work.

We’ll also explain what your credit history is, why it matters, and other ways to build or repair your credit score without necessarily having to rely on one of these apps. With our tips and advice, you’ll soon have all the information needed to make informed decisions about using one of these best credit-building apps.

The Best Credit Building Apps of 2023

The number of credit-building apps available has grown significantly in recent years, with more and more people looking for ways to build their credit scores. With so many options to choose from, though, knowing which one is best for you can be difficult. So below, we’ll look at our picks for the top three credit-building apps of 2023: Experian Boost, Self, and myFICO.

1. Experian Boost™

With Experian Boost™, you’re going straight to one of the sources. Experian is one of the three credit bureaus.

It offers a product called Experian Boost™, designed to give you a little nudge in the right direction, including helping your Experian credit score by looking at some of your recurring bills, such as rent and your gym membership.*

Experian’s score is based on information in your Experian credit report and uses FICO 8 to determine your score. In addition to offering insight into your credit, you can get a dark web scan to see if and where your personal information has been compromised online.

You use Experian Boost™ by connecting a bank account or credit card. Then the app will review your spending patterns to identify rent, insurance payments, and gym memberships. Making your regular monthly payment, on time, to these accounts can help improve your Experian credit score significantly.

However, it’s important to note that Experian Boost™ doesn’t work with all banks and bank account types, so you might not get the boost you expect. Experian offers a free basic account, including a Boost, although you can add credit monitoring and other products at a cost.

*Results may vary. Some may not see improved scores or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost™.

Visit Experian Boost or read the full Experian Boost Review

2. Self

One of the more active ways to boost your credit score is with Self (formerly Self Lender). The idea here is that you can build a credit history while setting aside money in savings.

With the Credit Builder account from Self, you basically set up a situation where you make monthly payments that are reported to the credit bureaus. At the end of your term, you are rewarded with a CD.

Plans with Self begin with a $25 commitment. However, you will have to pay an administrative fee and a finance charge. This can be an ideal account for someone who doesn’t have any credit at all and is looking to build.

Plus, it’s a bonus that most of the money you pay goes into a CD used for your own benefit. It encourages you to save while at the time building your credit.

Visit Self or read the full Self Review

Self Financial compensates us when you sign up for Self Financial using the links provided.

3. myFICO

The Fair Isaac Company is often considered the premier credit scoring provider. When you go to MyFICO, you get access to your FICO scores. However, there is no free version of myFICO. The cheapest access costs $19.95 per month and only includes your Experian credit report.

If you want access to all three of your credit bureau reports and scores, you need to pay $29.95 per month, and your scores only update every three months. For monthly score updates from all three bureaus, you need to pay $39.95 per month.

However, this comes with the advantage of seeing different types of scores, including those that might be considered for car loans or mortgages. You can also get identity monitoring, credit monitoring, and identity theft insurance.

With myFICO, you get detailed information about your score and what’s dragging it down. You can use that information to make tweaks and improve your credit score.

Visit myFICO or read the full myFICO Review

The best credit-building apps of 2023 offer a great way to start establishing your credit history. Now, let’s look at credit history and why it matters.

What Credit History Is And Why It Matters

Credit history is a record of your credit activity over time. It includes information such as the types of accounts you have, how much debt you owe, and whether or not you make payments on time. Lenders can use your credit history to determine if they want to lend money to you and what interest rate they will charge.

Why Does Credit History Matter?

Your credit history matters because it can affect your ability to get loans, lines of credit, mortgages, and other forms of financing in the future. A good credit score means lenders are more likely to approve your loan applications and offer better terms than someone with a bad or no credit history. Having a good credit score also makes it easier for landlords and employers to trust that you’ll pay your rent on time each month.

How Is Credit History Calculated?

Your FICO Score (also known as a “credit score”)” is calculated based on five factors: payment history (35%), amounts owed (30%), length of credit history (15%), new accounts opened (10%) and types of accounts held (10%).

Payment histories - include late payments, collections accounts, bankruptcies, etc., while the amount owed looks at how much debt you currently carry compared with the total available limits across all your open lines of credit.

Length of credit history - considers how long ago certain items were reported; newer items may weigh more heavily than older ones depending on their type/severity level.

New account openings - look at recent inquiries when applying for new lines of credit; too many inquiries in a short period could negatively impact this factor. Having an established mix between revolving debts like cards and installment loans helps improve this one.

Types of accounts held - examine which kind(s) of debts are being managed responsibly - from student loans and auto loans through home equity products and personal finance companies, etc.

All these elements together help create an overall picture of financial responsibility that lenders use when deciding whether or not someone should qualify for their services.

Good credit history is essential to your financial health and should be taken seriously. A great way to build credit is using a credit-building app, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

What is a Credit Builder App?

Credit builder apps are designed to help people in their 20s build and improve their credit scores. They provide an easy way for users to manage their finances, pay bills on time, and keep track of spending habits.

How Do Credit Building Apps Work?

A credit builder app works by allowing users to set up automatic payments for recurring bills such as rent or utilities. This helps ensure that the user bills user’s on time each month, which is a critical factor in building good credit. The credit-building app also tracks spending habits so users can better understand where their money is going and make more informed decisions about how they spend it.

Benefits Of Using A Credit Builder App

  • Using a credit builder app has several benefits, including:
  • Improved financial literacy
  • Increased control over budgeting
  • Easier tracking of expenses
  • A better understanding of personal finance concepts like debt-to-income ratio
  • Improved access to financial products such as loans or mortgages with lower interest rates due to higher credit scores

Using a credit builder app may even lead to rewards from certain lenders who offer incentives for having a good payment history.

Advantages Over Traditional Banking Methods

Compared to traditional banking methods, such as opening up a savings account at a bank or applying for a loan through an online lender, using a credit builder app offers several advantages:

  • It’s free (most don’t charge)
  • It’s fast (users usually get started within minutes)
  • It’s secure (encryption technology similar to what banks use)
  • It provides real-time feedback on progress (credit reports only look backward)

A Quick Word On Credit Repair Apps

Credit repair apps are becoming increasingly popular among people in their 20s. While these apps can be helpful for those looking to improve their credit score, it’s essential to understand that they aren’t magic.

Credit repair apps may help you identify errors on your credit report and dispute them with the three major credit bureaus. Still, they don’t know the underlying issues that caused your bad credit in the first place.

That said, if you have an error on your report or something inaccurate, a good credit-building app can help you fix it quickly and easily without having to go through all the paperwork yourself.

It’s also worth noting that some of these services charge fees for their services, so make sure to read up on what each one offers before signing up.

When using a credit repair app, it’s essential its member that there are no guarantees when it comes to improving your credit score.

Suppose there is an issue with your credit reports, such as incorrect information or identity theft. In that case, filing disputes with the credit bureaus could result in improvements over time, but this isn’t always guaranteed.

The best way to ensure long-term success is by taking steps towards better financial habits like budgeting and reducing debt levels, eventually leading to improved scores over time, regardless of whether or not you use a service like this one.

Credit repair apps can be a great tool to help you manage and improve your credit score, but it’s important its search and find the right app for you. Now let’s look at let’s choose the best credit builder apps.

Methodology: How We Select the Best Credit Builder Apps

At the start of any research project, it must use a transparent methodology for selecting the best credit builder apps. We understand that everyone has different needs and preferences regarding personal finance tools, so we’ve taken an in-depth look at each app on our list to ensure they meet specific criteria.

First and foremost, we looked at App Store and Google Play user reviews. This is one of the most reliable ways to gauge how an app works. We also considered customer service ratings and features like budgeting tools, debt-tracking capabilities, and rewards programs.

We also ensured that our list’s apps are artists and compliant with industry standards such as GDPR or PCI DSS. Security is always a top priority when dealing with sensitive financial information, so we paid close attention to this during our selection process.

In addition to security considerations, we wanted to ensure that all of these apps were easy for beginners who may not yet be familiar with personal finance concepts or terminology. That’s why we that’s several tutorials within each app description and helpful tips about using them effectively over time.

Finally, the cost was another factor that weighed heavily into our decision-making process. No one wants their budget blown by unnecessary fees, so all the apps featured here offer competitive pricing plans (or they’re free) without sacrificing quality or features. You can rest assured knowing you’re getting your money’s worth on every purchase.

We’ve researched the best credit builder apps to help you make intelligent financial decisions. Now, let’s explore the different ways to build your credit score.

What Are Some Other Ways to Build Credit?

Here are some of the best ways to go about building credit:

Credit Builder Loan

A credit builder loan is designed to help people establish or rebuild their credit scores. These loans provide a set amount of money in a designated period, and the borrower makes monthly payments to repay the loan. Credit builder loans are helpful for those trying to build their credit because it allows them to demonstrate responsible repayment behavior, which can positively affect their overall credit score.

Secured Credit Cards

Secured credit cards are an excellent way to build credit. They require a cash deposit that acts as collateral for the card, and they report your payment activity to the three major credit bureaus. This means you can use them just like any other credit card type without worrying about high-interest rates or fees. When used responsibly, secured cards can help you establish a positive payment history and improve your overall credit score over time.

Personal Loans

Personal loans are another great option for building credit. These loans come with fixed payments that must be made on time each month to maintain good standing with lenders and creditors. If you make all your payments on time, this loan will show up positively on your credit report and help boost your credit score over time. Examples of installment loans include car loans, student loans, personal loans, etc.

Rent Reporting Services

Rent reporting services allow landlords to report their tenants’ rental tenants directly to the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax & TransUnion). By using these services, renters can take advantage of their rent payments being reported every month, which helps them build a positive payment history and improve their overall scores over time – even if they don’t have any don’t type of debt or accounts open. Not all landlords participate in rent reporting services, so you must check before signing a lease agreement if this is something you want access to.

Becoming An Authorized User On Someone Else’s Card

Being an authorized user on someone else’s account. Another way people can build their individual credit histories is by helping out family members or friends who already have established accounts in good standing with creditors and lenders. Being added as an authorized user allows one person access to another person’s credit line, meaning both parties benefit from responsible spending habits and timely payments made by either party.

What Builds Credit the Fastest?

Credit is important, from getting a loan to renting an apartment. Knowing what builds credit the fastest can help you make intelligent financial decisions and improve your credit score quickly.

Paying Your Bills On Time

Paying your bills on time is one of the most effective ways to build credit fast. Making payments for all accounts—credit cards, loans, rent—on or before their due dates will show creditors that you’re responsible with money. This will have a positive impact on your credit score over time.

Keeping Balances Low

Keeping balances low is another way to build up your credit quickly. When it comes to revolving debt like credit cards, try not to exceed 30% of the total available balance at any given time; if you have a $1,000 limit on a card, don’t let them don’t go above $300 at any point during the month. Doing so shows lenders that you manage debt responsibly and won’t overextend yourself financially.

Applying for New Credit Sparingly

Applying for new lines of credit too often can be detrimental to your overall credit score. Each inquiry takes points off temporarily until they are removed after two years or more, depending on how long ago it was done.

It’s the best practice to only apply for new credit when necessary, such as when making large purchases like cars or homes where having good terms may save thousands in interest rates over the lifetime of repayment. So be sure to weigh whether applying for new lines of credit makes sense based on current needs versus future goals.

Staying With The Same Creditors for Longer

Sticking with creditors longer also helps build trust, which increases chances for better terms down the road should additional borrowing become necessary later in life. If possible, try not to close accounts unless necessary, as doing so could lower scores due to the shorter average account age, which affects scoring models used by lenders today.

Checking Reports Regularly

Finally, checking reports regularly ensures accuracy and allows individuals to avoid potential issues that may arise, such as identity theft or incorrect reporting from creditors themselves. Everyone has access to a free annual report through the AnnualCreditReport website, but other services are available for those who wish to monitor activity more frequently than once a year.

FAQs about the Best Credit Building Apps

What are the best credit builder apps?

Credit builder apps are a great way to build and maintain good credit. They allow users to make small payments over time, which can help them establish a positive payment history and increase their credit score. Popular options include Credit Karma, Self Lender, Experian Boost, and MoneyLion Plus. Each app has unique features, so it’s essential to search each one carefully before deciding which is best for you. Make sure the app fits your budget and meets your needs in tracking progress or providing additional services such as free credit monitoring or personalized advice.

What is the best and fastest way to build credit?

Building credit is a process that takes time and dedication. The best way to build credit quickly is to make sure all bills are paid on time, keep balances low on any existing credit cards, apply for a secured credit card or become an authorized user on someone else’s account. Else’s bills on time will help you establish a positive payment history which accounts for 35% of your overall credit score. Keeping the balance low will also improve your utilization rate, which makes up 30% of your score. Finally, applying for a secured card or becoming an authorized user can give you access to more available lines of credit and help increase your total amount of available revolving debt – both factors that contribute to 15% of your overall score.

How do I build my credit ASAP?

Building credit is an essential part of financial health. To get started, make sure you have a bank account and use it regularly to pay bills on time. Next, consider applying for a secured credit card or store card with low limits that reports to the major credit bureaus. Make sure to keep your balance low and pay off your bill in full each month. Finally, stay away from payday loans, which can damage your credit score in the long run. With patience and discipline, you can build good credit quickly.

How can I get a 700 credit score in a month?

Building good credit takes time and requires responsible financial habits over an extended period. To improve your credit score, focus on paying bills on time, keeping balances low on credit cards and other revolving accounts, applying for new lines of credit only when necessary, and monitoring your reports regularly for errors or fraudulent activity. With consistent effort over several months, you should see improvements in your overall score.


In conclusion, the best credit-building apps of 2023 can help you build your credit score quickly and easily. Credit history is essential for various reasons, so it must understand what it is and how to improve it.

Credit builder apps are easy to start building your credit without taking on additional debt or spending money. It’s also worth saying that there are other ways to build your credit, such as making payments on time and using secured cards responsibly.

Finally, the fastest way to build your credit is by ensuring all accounts are paid in full each month and keeping balances low on revolving accounts like credit cards. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way toward improving your financial future with the best credit-building apps of 2023.

Self Disclosure - All Credit Builder Accounts made by Lead Bank, Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender, Sunrise Banks, N.A. Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender or Atlantic Capital Bank, N.A. Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender. Subject to ID Verification. Individual borrowers must be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident and at least 18 years old. Valid bank account and Social Security Number are required. All loans are subject to ID verification and consumer report review and approval. Results are not guaranteed. Improvement in your credit score is dependent on your specific situation and financial behavior. Failure to make monthly minimum payments by the payment due date each month may result in delinquent payment reporting to credit bureaus which may negatively impact your credit score. This product will not remove negative credit history from your credit report. All loans subject to approval. All Certificates of Deposit (CD) are deposited in Lead Banks, Member FDIC, Sunrise Banks, N.A., Member FDIC or Atlantic Capital Bank, N.A., Member FDIC.

Chris Muller

Chris Muller

Chris has an MBA with a focus in advanced investments and has been writing about all things personal finance since 2015. He's also built and run a digital marketing agency, focusing on content marketing, copywriting, and SEO, since 2016. You can connect with Chris on Twitter @moneymozartblog.

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